Help me Remove a DSL network entry

Scott Blair scott.blair at
Fri May 27 21:31:58 UTC 2016

On 05/27/2016 07:34 AM, Chas IRONS wrote:
> Hello all
> DSL service was poor so my ISP gave me a wireless router that works; 
> but my browsers will not connect if the router is on first.
> I must have messed up trying to remove the DSL network entry.
> I cannot find a way to remove it in Ubuntu users guide.
> Settings/Network shows two Wired entries; the top _wireless_ one is  
> working (TIAllAccess);  the lower Wired entry is for the DSL router .
> I suppose this is the entry I need to remove but how? I did "delete" 
> but it still appears.
> Settings/Network/Options shows an error Editing the lower Wired entry 
> for the DSL router.
> When I click on Menu bar/Edit Connections it shows only _one_ Ethernet 
> router (TIAllAccess wireless).
> Then I click on Menu bar/Edit Connections/Edit TIAllAccess and it 
> shows the MAC details of the router (TIAllAccess wireless).
> After I click on Menu bar/Connection Information it shows details of 
> the router (TIAllAccess wireless).
> I hope you can follow the above info and tell me how to remove the 
> second Wired Connection.
> Maybe that will allow my browsers to connect to the TIAllAccess 
> wireless when it is already running; it will not switch off and on 
> again easily.
> Apologies for the long story from a retired Ubuntu Unity user.
> I attached screenshots for each of the above steps but that was 
> rejected as too big.
> Thanks. Chas
> -- 
> irons.charles at
> Home   +2711 782 8623
OK go to your network connections, then down to Edit Connections.
Go to the one you DO NOT want to connect to, click on it and click on edit.
Under general make sure that Automatically connect to this network when 
it is available is unchecked, then click on save.
Go to the one you want to connect to and click on it.
Click on edit
Click on general tab and make sure the Automatically connect to this 
network when available has a check mark.
Click on save and you should be good to go.
You can also click on the one you don't want to connect to and click on 
delete, but if it is broadcasting it might show back up. So I would just 
make sure it is not set to automatically connect to.

Let me know if this helps.


Scott Blair:

Scott Blair

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