thin clients not updating to the latest kernel - some extra thoughts

Tony Baechler bats at
Fri Mar 18 10:27:22 UTC 2016

On 3/17/2016 11:57 PM, Spyros Tsiolis wrote:
> If you've upgraded to the v3.2.2 but you want to build
> initrd.img but you are running the kernel-v.3.2.1
> How can you do that ?
> I am not asking about and vmlinuz because
> they have already been created for kernel-v3.2.2
> However, as far as I know, "initrd.img" is not there
> for v3.2.2.
> Can I create the "initrd.img" file _for_ v3.2.2 while
> running in the v3.2.1 evnironment ?

Yes. If you want to update an already existing image, run this as root:

update-initramfs -k all -u

To create new initrd images, use -c instead of -u. The -u switch tells it to 
update. The -c switch tells it to create a new image. The "-k all" tells it 
to create new initrd images for all installed kernels. You can pass a 
specific version to the -k switch, but I find "all" to be easier. It saves 
typing and makes sure all installed kernels have initrd images.

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