New laptop - weird key repeat issue

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Wed Mar 2 10:37:27 UTC 2016

On Wed, 02 Mar 2016 21:24:53 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
>xset does what it usually does. If I disable repeat, then repeat really
>is disabled, but as soon as I enable it, the same issue arises.

That's already a hint.

Sure, usually we can use 'xset r on' without experiencing an issue.
Anyway, if the issue disappears for you, if it's set to "off", this
could help troubleshooting.

>> checked with 'xev' there was nothing unusual?  
>A bit hard to tell - it was seeing "real" keypress events while a key
>was autorepeating, and it was seeing the same event as the initial
>manual keypresses.

I agree that xev not necessarily is helpful.

IIRC a terminal by Ctrl+Alt+Fx isn't affected, but if you open GUI
a terminal emulation, you experiencing this issue?!

Just for this terminal emulation? If so, which one? Or for all GUIs?

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