How to delete a printer definition

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Sun Jun 5 05:52:08 UTC 2016

** Reply to message from Nils Kassube <kassube at> on Sat, 04 Jun 2016
21:55:42 +0200

> Bob wrote:
> > ** Reply to message from Nils Kassube <kassube at> on Sat, 04 Jun
> > 2016 07:36:09 +0200
> > > Bob wrote:
> > > > Any ideas on how to permanently delete a printer difinition?
> > > 
> > > Go to the CUPS page at <http://localhost:631/printers/> and click on
> > > the name of the printer to remove. At the new page there are two
> > > drop down menues. Click the one which reads "Administration" and
> > > select "delete printer" (or something similar - mine is talking
> > > German an I don't know the phrase used in the English version).
> > > Then you will have to enter your credentials, i.e. your user name
> > > (the one which is also in the lpadmin group) and the password for
> > > your account.
> > 
> > I did look at the "printer" page but could not find the delete option.
> >  Since you gave such good instructions I went back to try again. 
> > When I clicked on the printer name I got the same thing I had before
> > and that was an error message.
> That seems a bit strange to me. Maybe my instructions were not that good 
> after all, so I installed a remote printer on a 16.04 machine (I don't 
> have 15.10 anywhere). Then I connected to that machine via ssh and 
> opened the page in firefox like explained above. Funnily the dialog on 
> that machine was in English for whatever reason. Then I made a 
> screenshot of the point where you can delete the printer. I have 
> attached the picture.

You picture is what I was looking at.  I think we are not talking about the
very same thing.  I have two computers one with the host name of Saturn and the
other named Jupiter.  When I use the computer Saturn it has some printers that
are defined as local but not always connected and two printers that are defined
as being on Jupiter.  If i am on the computer named Saturn and I go to the
"printer" page and click on "Administration" for the local printers I get the
delete option, if I click on the printers that are defined as being on Jupiter
I get the error message.  On the Saturn computer what I want to do is delete
the definition for the printers on the Jupiter computer not the definitions on
Jupiter itself.

Is this confusing?  It is to me sometimes.

Let me try to describe it this way.  The Jupiter computer has two printers
defined as local to Jupiter (physically plugged into the Jupiter computer) and
other computers use those printers to print.  The other computers (various
operating systems) have a printer defined that points to the Jupiter computer
printer definitions.  I want to delete those printer definitions on the Saturn
computer that point to the Jupiter computer printer definitions (this is what I
am having a problem doing).

Robert Blair

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.  -- George Bernard Shaw

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