X11 Fonts missing courier-12 and courier-24

jon jon at jonshouse.co.uk
Fri Jun 3 18:59:27 UTC 2016

Who shall I blame for breaking my code:

        /* try to load the given font. */
        if (mediumsize==TRUE)
                font_info1 = XLoadQueryFont(display, "*-courier-*-12-*");
        else    font_info1 = XLoadQueryFont(display, "*-courier-*-24-*");
        if (!font_info1)
                printf("XLoadQueryFont: failed loading font '%s'\n", font_name1);
                printf("On Debian based systems 'apt-get install xfonts-75dpi  and/or  xfonts-100dpi\n");

I have been using this chunk of code in some of my X programs for many

Today I installed mint 17, I have tried apt-get installing a whole
bucket load of xfont- packages including "xfonts-75dpi" and
"xfonts-100dpi" but still cant get the above code to be happy ?

What happened to the larger fonts I was using?
Anyone know what package I install to get them back?

I have long since forgotten anything I knew about X11 fonts and just
like X color management I don't want to have to re-learn it all again
just to fix this.


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