phpMyAdmin - apache configuration issue

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Jan 24 13:46:25 UTC 2016

On Sun, 2016-01-24 at 07:28 -0500, william drescher wrote:
> I updated/upgraded my 14.04LTS server and the url:
> no longer works.  Error message is 404.

404 tells you that a lot of stuff is actually working. There is a server
listening, a server that is capable of looking for a page and prepared
to serve it to you.

Is it possible that something has disabled phpmyadmin? If you have a
standard Apache2 install, check
that /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf (or similar) exists and
that you have a symbolic link to it from /etc/apache2/conf-enabled. If
you already have that link, restart Apache. If you need to make the link
anew, restart Apache afterwards.

Also, read the Apache2 phpmyadmin config file. Look in the locations
mentioned in the configuration to make sure that the configuration
matches reality.

The install scripts for most applications try not to disturb existing
configurations, and a basic "apt-get remove" will not remove
configuration files. Use "apt-get purge phpmyadmin && apt-get install
phpmyadmin" instead.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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