How to set the single click speed?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jan 21 09:31:28 UTC 2016

On 21 January 2016 at 05:09, Bret Busby <bret.busby at> wrote:
> ...
> I have found the use of the mouse, to be increasingly obstructive,
> and, more harm than good, as it does all kinds of things that I do not
> want, including imposing unwanted vertical scrolling (when I simply
> move the mouse, the window content scrolls, without me manually
> clicking on the scroll bar and moving the mouse), and, imposing menu
> things that I do not want, without me selecting the menu options.

I shall be astonished if this is not a hardware problem with keyboard
and/or mouse.  Ideally you should try different keyboard and mouse to
prove this.  If you do not have any then first, if they are battery
powered, replace the batteries.
Next try them both in different usb ports (if they are usb).
Then try with the keyboard unplugged and see if the mouse misbehaves.
If that does not help then I think you must find a way to get hold of
a keyboard and mouse to prove that it is not one of them.

I suppose in order to track down the possibility that it is not
hardware you could:
1. Try logging in on the guest account to see whether is ok there.
2. Boot off a live dvd/usb image and see whether it still fails.


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