How to set the single click speed?

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Tue Jan 19 22:45:48 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:

> I moved from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 and find I have trouble getting drop
> down menus in the title bar to drop down.
> If I click on a menu as I normally do it just flashes briefly but does not
> drop down.  To get it to drop down I must tap and release the button very
> rapidly.
> I've googled and checked various "settings" programs but can't find a
> solution.
Does the "dash" menu come up when you click it?

I ask because on my older Dell desktop system I ran into a problem going
from 10.04 to 12.04 -- I had to turn off the accelerated video because of a
strange bug with the cheap graphics card I had in the Dell, which caused
the Unity HUD menu to not work -- it just flashed and nothing appeared, so
I couldn't use it at all. When 14.04 came out, they removed the option to
"downgrade" to the 2D graphics driver, so I ended up finding a better video
card so I could keep using Ubuntu.

Also, have you tried a different mouse?

If you still think it's a mouse click adjustment issue, you can TRY using
the control panel. If you cannot even click THAT menu, type ctrl-alt-T and
in the terminal type (note the hyphens and space):

$ unity-control-center mouse

Maybe you can get the clicks to work that way.

Also try creating a new user account. It could be some cruft from the
previous installation isn't working so well with the upgraded Ubuntu. If a
new account works fine, there's probably a hidden directory or two you can
remove to get it working right.
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