Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Fri Feb 12 16:18:54 UTC 2016

On 02/12/2016 06:59 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 11 February 2016 at 15:34, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Now there is this time limit I guess I will just have to adjust to it.
> If I may say so...
> If you can't handle the single global menu bar at the top of the
> screen, and you're finding the in-title-bar menus hard to use, then
> IMHO it could be that Unity is not the desktop for you.

It is not a matter of handling. It's simply a strong personal preference 
and what makes the most sense to me.  It makes no sense to me to be 
sitting if front of 2 large monitors and be working in the bottom third 
of one and have to to all the way to the top of the screen to drop down 
a menu.

As to the titlebar menus, I have been clinking on menus for 25 plus 
years now and have never had a problem before. I apparently I don't 
click fast enough and in the past the speed of the click was never an 
issue. Again it seems strange to me to put menus in the titlebar and if 
you don't click fast enough the area they occupy acts just like the rest 
of the titlebar instead of a drop down menu.

> I'd suggest switching to some alternatives, experimentally, and if it
> works, reinstalling with a different remix.
> My personal favourite alternative is Xfce -- i.e. Xubuntu -- because
> it handles a vertical taskbar fairly well. None of the others do this.

> But if you're comfy with a Windows-like desktop, then Cinnamon is
> arguably the best and most modern, being based on Gtk3 and GNOME 3 and
> thus having a rosier-looking future than the Gtk2-based alternatives
> (Xfce, Maté, etc.*)

I have tried all that you mention and always return to plain old Ubuntu 
with Unity. If fact right now I have Mint with Cinnamon on my laptop 
along with Win 10 and Ubuntu 14.04. Mint is the default boot, but since 
I added 14.04 that is what I use most ofter.

Regards,  Jim

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