Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 10:00:19 UTC 2016

On 2 February 2016 at 23:23, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
>  ...
> When I open up System Settings, Unsettings is the last icon on the right end
> of the Personel section.  Having said that I did install Unsettings from a
> ppa before I noticed it in System Settings. Your question made me wonder if
> my installing it put it there so I logged in to a guest account. Unsettings
> is in the System Settings on the guest account also.  I only have logged
> into a guest account when asked to for trouble shooting like this so I don't
> have much experience with it. So is it possible that my installing
> unsettings when logged in is effecting the guest account also?

One would not expect it to appear in Settings until after it was
installed.  Once installed it is available to all users (as it the
case with other applications).  The reason I have been suggesting
checking it in the guest account is that the guest account will be
independent of any changes that you have made in your own account.
However I don't know whether it is possible that just installing
unsettings may have some effect on all users, or if settings may bleed
from one user to another.  What I suggest is that you try booting from
live image and see if you see the problem there, before changing
anything else.  If you do see it there then it is a bug or hardware
issue, if not then it is something to do with the setup of your
machine.  I have to say that I suspect that it is an unsettings issue,
but I am not going to install it to find out just in case it is not
easy to recover from any changes it may make.

>> When I use the system settings to put the menu in the window bar and
>> hold down the mouse button the pointer does change to a hand, it has
>> to in order to allow you to drag the window.  It takes about a third
>> of a second so it /is/ necessary to let go of the button within that
>> time in order to select a menu item, but a third of a second is
>> plenty, for me anyway.  I have noticed that if you hold down the mouse
>> and immediately move the mouse then it immediately switches to drag
>> mode, so if your mouse is particularly sensitive and generates a move
>> event then it might cause the effect you are seeing.
> I only see this behavior on Firefox,Thunderbird and LibreOffice. Are you
> seeing the hand on other applications also?

What do you mean by "this behaviour"?  Do you mean the pointer does
not change to a hand, or that it takes longer to change.  I see it
change to a hand on all apps that I have tried, including the terminal
and gedit for example, but not until about 1/3 second has elapsed
(unless I move the mouse as I click).

> I have tried using a trackball and an HP optical mouse and get the same
> results, given what you said above I guess I need to look a mouse
> sensitivity again.

Although I used the word sensitivity that is not really what I meant.
What I meant was that perhaps for some reason it is not possible (or
very difficult) to click the mouse without it moving.  What happens if
you position the pointer over the menu then lift it well off the
surface (not that easy whilst keeping the pointer on the menu, but
possible) and then click it?


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