Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 21:33:59 UTC 2016

On 2 February 2016 at 21:16, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
> On 02/02/2016 08:41 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 2 February 2016 at 14:23, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> If I use unsettings to put the menus in the applications window titlebar
>>> the
>>> problem shows up. If I leave the global menus in the top panel there is
>>> no
>>> problem.
>>> I don't like my menus in the top panel, that's why I try to put them in
>>> the
>>> windows titlebar where they belong.
>> Do you see the same issue if you do it using the setting in System
>> Settings > Appearance > Behaviour?
>> Colin
> Yes
> I went to Unsettings and turned  the Global menu to off. Then I went to
> Global menu in and put it in top panel. Then I opened Appearance ->
> Behaviour and set Show the menu for a window to be in the window's title
> bar.
> I still see the pointer change to a hand when I click and hold on a menu,
> but the menus seem to be a little more responsive. That is I don't seem to
> have to tap and release the mouse button quite so quickly to get a menu to
> drop down.
> After making the changes outlined above something else has changed a little.
> It seemed that some how the system didn't realize the menu was in the title
> bar. Sometimes rapidly clicking on a menu item would cause the window to
> open full screen just like double clicking on a blank space in the title bar
> will. I can't get it to do that anymore.

Do it in the guest account so you know that something that unsettings
is doing or has done is not messing it up.  Am I right in thinking
that unsettings is not in the Ubuntu repositories but is from a ppa?
If that is the case then any problems you have with that need to be
taken up with whoever maintains it, it is not an Ubuntu issue.

When I use the system settings to put the menu in the window bar and
hold down the mouse button the pointer does change to a hand, it has
to in order to allow you to drag the window.  It takes about a third
of a second so it /is/ necessary to let go of the button within that
time in order to select a menu item, but a third of a second is
plenty, for me anyway.  I have noticed that if you hold down the mouse
and immediately move the mouse then it immediately switches to drag
mode, so if your mouse is particularly sensitive and generates a move
event then it might cause the effect you are seeing.


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