Nautilus acting up

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Dec 5 09:46:31 UTC 2016

On 5 December 2016 at 06:51, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> When I minimize Nautilus, it essentially disappears. Usually, when
> something is minimized, a small white triangle appears next to the
> icon for that program, and when multiple instances are minimized there
> is a triangle for each instance.

You misunderstand how the launcher works.

The white triangles are for each window the program is currently
showing. 1 window, 1 triangle; 2 windows, 2 triangles, etc.

It has nothing to do with maximised/minimised status.

> Nautilus is missing some features I like so I added dolphin as an
> alternate file manager.

I suggest you stick to a closer relative for better integration. I
recommend Nemo, the Nautilus-based file manager from Mint's Cinnamon
environment. It is Nautilus with added features, and it can take over
the desktop as well if you wish. Note, though, that this causes
problems when upgrading from one version of Ubuntu to the next.

> I'm not particularly happy with Nautilus, but some reading suggests
> that Nautilus also has control over part of the desktop function and
> can't be eliminated. I'm considering using Nemo as a Nautilus
> replacement but that seems to be associated with the cinnamon desktop,
> which I presume will be installed with Nemo.

No. You have not done enough reading or not understood.

You can install the current Nemo from a PPA and have it control your desktop.

Or you can run the snapshot in the Ubuntu repositories.

That's what I do now as I got tired of fixing Nemo every 6 months when

Remove the Files icon from the launcher.

Run Nemo.

Right-click its icon, pick "lock to launcher".

Then when you want a filer window, click that icon. Very simple.

> Is it likely the addition
> of yet another desktop will introduce a new set of problems in Ubuntu?

It's possible and it will waste space.

> I already have some KDE programs installed, which probably brought in
> a lot of the additional KDE components.

Yes, and I have advised against this already.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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