Upgrading to 16.04

achbarrr at gmail.com achbarrr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 10:19:33 UTC 2016

talking about virtualbox's USB i do some configure on the file

Virtualbox VMs/virtualbox.vbox :

USBController enabled ="true" enabledEhci="true"

and sometimes its working but this option is DISABLED by default

Ralf Mardorf <silver.bullet at zoho.com> wrote:

>On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 11:44:14 +1000, Peter wrote:
>>I have installed the latest 5.1 virtual box with the extension pack.
>unlikely somebody from this list is able to help you, since this seems
>to be one of the usual virtualbox bugs. At the beginning of this thread
>I pointed out, that upgrading virtualbox not necessarily fixes issues. I
>for example more often downgraded virtualbox, to get rid of trouble and
>I needed to downgrade virtualbox very often. Virtualbox is known to be
>flaky, it's much used because it's the easiest to set up
>virtualization, not because it's a good virtualization. USB always was
>and still is one of virtualbox's weak points.
>However, if you want that a bug gets fixed, you need to report the bug
>to the appropriate bug tracker.
>Support and bug tracker for the version you are using now are available
>at https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Community .
>Bugs against virtualbox 5.0.18-dfsg-2build1 from the official xenial
>multiverse repository, could be reported as described by
>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs , but they also could
>be reported at https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Community .
>>In the old machine windows internet explorer  cannot access the 
>>internet, but a program i use for FreeBMD transcriptions has no
>>problem in uploading files.
>What Windows error message do you get and/or what Linux error message
>do you get?
>On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 12:49:54 +1000, Peter wrote:
>>The problem with the USB ports is becoming more odd. I can connect a
>>usb mouse or a usb keyboard and both work in the virtual box. If I
>>connect a usb storage device this cannot be seen A printer connected
>>to the same port that accepted the mouse or the keyboard does not work.
>The mouse and keyboard input devices are seemingly not bound as USB
>devices, virtualbox seemingly emulates them. depending on the version of
>virtualbox you see them in the list of available USB devices, but they
>alread work, while they are unchecked. If you would check them in this
>list, they would stop working.
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