Any web authors using Python out there? I need advice.

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Aug 22 08:24:28 UTC 2016

On 22 August 2016 at 04:06, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at> wrote:
> I have a web site I wrote in the '90s as a hobby project, before I ever heard the word "framework" in reference to the web, before I heard of SQLite, and while learning Python.  It needs work.  It shows the outcomes of some known games of Hex.  See it at
> The Python code is run as CGI scripting, which I gather is old technology, and is certainly slow.  I'd like to do better.  It would make sense to stay with Python, but it's not essential.  The database is my own C code wrapper around gdbm, as a Python module.  It has to be rebuilt from scratch on any update, and that's gotten expensive in time (about a week.)  SQLite should should make the coding fairly easy.
> Can somebody point me at free tools (it's still a hobby) that could do a better job on running the page itself?  It's currently hosted on Xubuntu and apache, and I'll certainly stick with Xubuntu.

Have a look at Ruby on Rails. Great fun to use.  Excellent tutorial at (free to use online). You can work through it using
a cloud rails server so don't even need to install anything to try it.
I know it is not Python (it is Ruby) but it is a very easy language to
learn the basics of for someone who has used Python.

Also excellent user support via rubyonrails-talk google group mailing list.


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