[OT] Testing an SD card

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Fri Aug 19 07:08:22 UTC 2016

Am Freitag, 19. August 2016, 15:34:01 CEST schrieb andrew clarke:
> On Wed 2016-08-17 17:31:18 UTC+0200, Volker Wysk (post at volker-wysk.de) 
> > I have an SD card for my smartphone which I suspect to be defect. Is there
> > a command to test this? (I can copy it with dd to a file, so far it
> > works.)

> To test flash media I use a program called f3:
> sudo apt-get install f3
> http://oss.digirati.com.br/f3/

I've tried f3write and f3read. The free space on the SD-card has 
been filled up with dummy files (random numbers). So, only the unused part of 
the SD-Card has been tested.

Both commands have not revealed any defects.

Thanks and bye,

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