System requirements - Was: Out of Space

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Aug 10 11:50:07 UTC 2016

On Mi, 2016-08-10 at 13:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2016 12:39:48 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > 
> > well, i beg to disagree ...
> >
> > (see the "Finished" line)
> > 
> > it makes quite some difference if your system is powerful enough to
> > build something like firefox or libreoffice in 1-2h less when you
> > need
> > to verify a bugfix locally and colleagues are possibly waiting for
> > you
> > as well ;)
> > ...
> enough for pro-audio, as 4 GiB of RAM are either, the frequency
> scaling
> governor just needs to be at a fixed frequency, usually
> "performance".
why ? do you not trust the kernel devs ? the ondemand governor will do
the right thing if needed and not waste power when not needed ...

> For building large software, such as Firefox several times a day, I
> would buy a different machine in the first place, a CPU with more and
> faster cores, that wastes more Watt, but OTOH could use the
> "ondemand"
> frequency scaling governor for this task and I also would add more
> RAM.

you should regardless always use the ondemand governor unless you
actually want to enforce "powersave" permanently ;) 

> I could use the same mobo, just with another CPU and more RAM. The
> more powerful CPU and the RAM were available, when I bought the
> components for my computer years ago.+

within the lifecycle of a machine i definitely replace the CPU and add
RAM indeed ...

> IOW there still is no need to get a new machine again and again for
> most tasks, there are just exceptional tasks that require for usage
> and
> development the latest and greatest, e.g. for simulations or video,
> while video anyway isn't a Linux domain. I'm talking about
> professional NLE, so please no examples about all the professional
> companies, that are using Linux for some aspects of film production.
> Unless you are not developing something like math intensive
> simulations
> or NLE professional video editing, you just need a suitable computer
> for this task, but it could be > 10 years old.

well, up to you ... if your employer bills ... say $400/h for you and
you can explain to the customer that he has to pay this extra amount
because your hardware is slow to build that firefox security fix for
him thgat he needs today ... or if you can explain to your family why
you spend 1h more working every day for saving a bit on the hardware
.... sure ... totally your choice :)

as i said, i'm surely not the casual user, for some browsing and office
work i'd most likely not use such a system and not upgrade it that
often ...

as statistics show the obvious casual user actually doesnt even buy a
PC anymore (else PC sales would not have broken in that heavily over
the last years) but is happy with his tablet or phablet smartphone.


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