Out of Space, and now way off topic!

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Wed Aug 10 00:43:40 UTC 2016

On Tuesday 09 August 2016 16:33:21 Oliver Grawert wrote:

> hi,
> On Di, 2016-08-09 at 20:14 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> >
> > the BIOS can be updated directly from the BIOS. I don't know when I
> > bought the Mobo, but the printed manual is from 2007 and the Mobo
> > already has PCIe slots. Much likely it was bought before 2010. How
> > often do you scrap hardware? Do you still own a soldering iron or
> > station, just in case you need to replace a power supply's capacitor
> > or
> > to fix broken soldering joints of (now the bomb drops) a cathode ray
> > tube? Often CRTs aren't really broken, just a few soldering joints
> > need
> > to be re-soldered.
> well, i tend to replace my workstation about every 4-5 years, though i
> professionally use it and earn my money doing development on it,
> perhaps i'm not actually representing the casual enduser here ... 
> (i have servers in the basement using up the worn out parts from the
> former workstations though)
> (and yes, i own a bunch of soldering irons and stations and actually
> regulary use them for embedded electronics and tube amp building) 
> :)
Oli, now I m wondering where you are on this ball of rock & water.

Here in the states, we have had a Certified Electronics Technician 
program for around 40 some years.   I am one, registered in Nebraska as 
NB-118, issued in 1972 but we are a rare bird as I checked before I 
moved to New Mexico in late 1977 to see what they had added in 5 years, 
only 4 more certificates, up to 122.

Where I was going, the sign on my office door was Chief Engineer.
I've found that the person who has that card in their card case has a 
master key to employment.  It raises eyebrows when laid on the HR's 

If you were in the states, there might be 2 year community college with a 
prof teaching a class that is designed to help one pass that test, 
someplace local to you.  I was at the time keeping a UHF ETV station on 
he air.  Never cracked a book, just walked in at the advertised time and 
said I'd like to take the test, which I aced in about 1/6th of the time 
allocated, that and my accumulated time (20+ years) working in the field 
qualified me for the full certificate.

I'd sure look into it if I was you.

Perhaps there is a similar group in your locale?

> ciao
> 	oli

Cheers Oli, Gene Heskett
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