Upfrading from Ubuntu 14.03 to Ubuntu 16.0

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 17:04:00 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:

> On Tue, 2016-08-02 at 02:22 +1000, Peter wrote:
> > While you may claim the problem was due to user error, please explain
> > the later upgrades ran with out problem and did NOT STOP waiting for
> > user response.
> That's a good question. One possibility is that the dialogues timed out
> after a while, but I'm guessing you were watching the process and that
> didn't happen. Another possibility is that the packages that require
> those fonts were somehow not part of the upgrade the second time
> around. It would depend on the starting position, I guess, and what
> packages needed upgrading.
> But it's a good question :-)
> BTW, "user error" isn't an insult around here, it's just a literal
> description of the root cause of a lot of problems.
Personally I would avoid the "user error" characterization and push it back
onto the packaging. The ttf-mscorefonts-installer package has problems.
Unfortunately there have been more problems as time has gone on, including
putting up textual dialogs that Ubuntu users cannot see or respond to in
certain circumstances, and (to me the final straw) causing some Ubuntu
fonts to display improperly.

Despite it being a very useful package in theory (commonly-used web fonts
that Microsoft released to the world with only a few technical
restrictions), I decided to remove it.

Here's a link describing one of the problems the package causes under
Ubuntu "Trusty" 14.04 (I haven't tried it yet under Xenial):

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