rastertosamsungspl not available (printing with CUPS)

thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 14:45:00 UTC 2016

The notion is to find this missing file and copy over?  Seems an odd 
thing to do, or odd that it's missing.  I'm using the unified driver from:

The Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository

thufir at mordor:~$ 
thufir at mordor:~$ tail -n 100 -f /var/log/cups/error_log
W [01/Apr/2016:13:16:22 -0700] Notifier for subscription 152 (dbus://) 
went away, retrying!
W [01/Apr/2016:13:16:22 -0700] Notifier for subscription 155 (dbus://) 
went away, retrying!
E [02/Apr/2016:07:28:07 -0700] ML-2510-Series: File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/
rastertosamsungspl" not available: No such file or directory
E [02/Apr/2016:07:28:44 -0700] ML-2510-Series: File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/
rastertosamsungspl" not available: No such file or directory
E [02/Apr/2016:07:30:51 -0700] ML-2510-Series: File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/
rastertosamsungspl" not available: No such file or directory
E [02/Apr/2016:07:30:51 -0700] [Job 1] Unable to start filter 
"rastertosamsungspl" - Success.
E [02/Apr/2016:07:30:51 -0700] [Job 1] Stopping job because the scheduler 
could not execute a filter.
E [02/Apr/2016:07:36:28 -0700] ML-2510-Series: File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/
rastertosamsungspl" not available: No such file or directory
E [02/Apr/2016:07:36:28 -0700] [Job 2] Unable to start filter 
"rastertosamsungspl" - Success.
E [02/Apr/2016:07:36:28 -0700] [Job 2] Stopping job because the scheduler 
could not execute a filter.

and cups shows:

Showing 1 of 1 printer.
▼ Queue Name ▼	Description	Location	Make and Model	Status
ML-2510-Series	Samsung ML-2510 Series	mordor	Samsung ML-2510 Series	
Idle - "File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl" not available: No 
such file or directory"


see also:




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