Installing Ubuntu in a UEFI system

silver.bullet at silver.bullet at
Wed Sep 23 13:43:18 UTC 2015

On Wed, 23 Sep 2015 08:06:57 -0500, Dr. Mikeal Hughes wrote:
>external Hard Drive
>Windows 10

Is a dual-boot wanted or should Ubuntu run in a virtual machine? I
suspect it should become a dual-boot with Windows 10 on the internal
drive and Ubuntu on an external drive?
Search term:         ubuntu dual efi boot
Another search term: ubuntu dual uefi windows 10

A lot of videos seem to explain how to dual boot Windows 10 with Ubuntu

Perhaps somebody from the list with experiences in dual-booting Ubuntu
with Windows and UEFI could take a look at the videos and check if one
video is ok.

For partitioning I wouldn't use an installer, instead I would use a
live media, .

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