touch screen, charging, pointer craziness

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Oct 23 07:33:01 UTC 2015

On 23 October 2015 at 08:22, Gary J. Kirkpatrick <garyartista at> wrote:
> I have a number of odd things going on.  Reverting to an earlier kernel does
> not seem to make any difference.
> 1) sometimes the mouse pointer drags itself to launcher, which I have set to
> autohide, and gets rather stucke there while it, well, vibrates.  Sits there
> and jiggles.  Most of the time I can drag it back and it resumes working.
> 2) I have a touch screen laptop.  After 14 months of working perfectly, it
> will work for a few minutes after a reboot and then refuse to work any
> longer.  Occasionally resetting lightdm gets it going again, but usually for
> just a few minutes.
> 3) Sometimes after a reboot or removing the plug, the battery meter shows
> that the battery is discharging.  If I remove then reinsert the plug several
> times it will show it is charging again.  The power supply shows the 19.2
> volts it should.
> I doubt these items are related other than they all started happening at the
> same time.
> Sometimes it seems to help if I remove all power sources and hold the start
> button down.  Lately that hasn't helped.

That sounds very much like hardware.  Does the fan seem to be running
more than it used to?  If so open the back up and give it a good clean
out with a vacuum cleaner.
If that does not seem to help (or even if it does) try booting into
the ram test and leave it going for a few hours to see if it shows any

As to the mouse, if it is battery driven then try a new battery,
though hopefully you have tried that already.  Otherwise try a
different mouse.

Do you see anything in syslog when it starts going wrong?


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