Removing and reinstalling remind

AFJ Headquarters agents4jesus at
Thu Oct 15 18:22:26 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I recently discovered a really neat program called remind. I didn't know 
it was on the Ubuntu repos, so I installed it manually from their site 
( I downloaded the 
.tar.gz and unzipped it using Unarchiver and, (via terminal) made it my 
working directory. In the README it told me to run *wish ./*, 
then run *make install*. I did that, but it didn't run as well as it did 
on my friend's Ubuntu machine. Later I found out that they installed it 
via apt-get. Ugh. I tried running the unconfigure script that was inside 
the download, but I fear that it only made things worse...

Now I don't really know where it installed to, and I am unable to 
uninstall it. I ran sudo apt-get remove remind, sudo apt-get purge 
remind, but they all said that it wasn't installed so it wasn't removed.

What do I do?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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