switching from pop3 to imap on thunderbirfd

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Thu Oct 15 17:04:29 UTC 2015

On 15-10-15 12:09 PM, oxy wrote:
> hi all,
> look what i did:
> 1) config pop3 account to stop checking new email
> 2) create a new imap account: it was created by default using the same
> local folder as the pop3 account. Thus all recent email was there.
> 3) change local folder of pop3 account to sth different (eg
> ~/.thunderbird/old_pop3)

I think we'll need some clarification here.

Step 1: this should have been straightforward.

Step 2:  How exactly did you create using the same folder?  IMAP does 
not use a download folder the like POP does.  (There is a system created 
folder that keep an offline cache of messages, but generally, you aren't 
supposed to try manually manage that.)

Step 3: This is where I suspect something when off the rails.  What 
*exactly* did you do?  (Did you try to create a new Profile in the 
Profile manager?)

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