hardware accelerated ASL entered Debian

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 14 09:14:37 UTC 2015

Am Mittwoch, den 14.10.2015, 01:48 -0700 schrieb Tony Baechler:
> On 10/13/2015 10:08 AM, Zeev Pekar wrote:
> > Now it is easier to use in Ubuntu, but I wanted to ask the developers
> > whether it is still possible to add ASL to the upcoming 15.10 release
> > considering the fact that nothing (yet) depend on it, so nothing should
> > break?
> I am not a Ubuntu developer, but I would say no.  First, 15.10 is going to 
> be released very soon now, so it would be impossible.  Packages have been 
> frozen for quite some time already.

brandnew universe packages can usually enter the distro at any time
until final freeze (especially since they already ran throuh the debian
QA process before entering the debian archive)

just file a sync-request bug https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess
has the instructions... (note specifically the instructions about
feature freeze here)


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