kate NEARLY usable for remote files

robert robert at redcor.ch
Thu Nov 26 17:02:54 UTC 2015

Hi friends in ubuntu,

my favourite programmers editor is kate.
On of the main reasons (THE main reason, actually) is that it allows to 
edit remote files with perfect ease.
Just open  it using an url that points to the file like 
fish://root@remotebox.ch/etc/hosts (where fish:// is the protocol to use).

now the bad part:
it does not work..
at least, only clumsily ..

I have to open a remote file from a shell calling kate with the file as 
a parameter:
kate fish://root@remotebox.ch/etc/hosts

then it opens the file nicely, it even reloads it when the session is 
reloaded at a later time.

So the edition of remote files works nicely. it is only the opening of 
remote files that is hard.

now my question..

where do I file that bug?

or is there a way to circumvent it?


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