Problem still exits on Bios not seeing my CD/dvd drive

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Mon Nov 23 20:43:06 UTC 2015

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Larry <larryesu at> wrote:

> I have an Asus Laptop model x553ma, yet for three days I have tried
> peoples different solutions yet none have worked for me...So I again tried
> to install Linux on my pendrive but once again it's a no go...
> I downloaded different .iso's burned each one to my pendrive, upon booting
> up Linux now starts but stops at a point of not being able to find a
> certain file...
> So I am now thinking that the .iso's are missing something, my question is
> there a good program to download an .iso to make sure it is a good one...
> Thanks for any help on this...
> Larry
Normally you would compare the "hash value" aka "MD5 checksum" or "md5sum"
of the iso file you downloaded to a md5sum published on the server (usually
in the same download directory, but it may not be visible from where you
downloaded). However I don't know how to tell you to do that in Windows;
maybe someone else can. If you had gotten linux running, the process is

However it's very likely you aren't burning the iso to the disc properly or
using the correct utility to copy it to the USB stick. You cannot 'just'
copy the iso file -- your DVD burning program needs to know it's an iso
image and to put the CONTENTS on the disc. In a similar fashion, you need
to use a special utility to copy the CONTENTS of the iso file to the USB
stick AND the utility needs to add a special bootloader utility so the
computer can boot from the USB stick.

Here are some steps for creating a bootable USB stick from within Windows:

If this matches what you did, please write back to the list saying exactly
what error message you're seeing. What is the missing file your computer is
complaining about? What are the messages that appear on the screen BEFORE
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