stop postfix on U14.04?

W Scott Lockwood III vladinator at
Tue Nov 17 22:52:33 UTC 2015

On 11/17/2015 4:48 PM, Brandon Tomlinson wrote:
> Howdy!
> ‘sudo update-rc.d -f postfix remove’
> That should remove it from the run level stuff.
> -Brandon, out!

Another way to do this of course is to just use chkconfig:

chkconfig SERVICE on|off

man chkconfig for more options. You can use it to easily control which 
run levels things start in as well, so it's very handy if you only want 
certain things at certain run levels.

CentOS uses chkconfig by default - you may need to install an extra 
package to get it, not sure as I'm not at home where my 14.x system is. :-)

W. Scott Lockwood III

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