Ubuntu 15.04 problems

jimkvg at 3web.com jimkvg at 3web.com
Thu May 21 14:35:41 UTC 2015

 I have some issues in my Ubuntu 15.04.  It seems to be worse than the previous version.  Start-up takes much longer time now than before ... looks like three to five minutes.  When I put it in 'Suspend' mode, my PC woke up by itself even thou I didn't touch either mouse or keyboard.  This is not like in the previous version.   I installed DropBox straight from Ubuntu Software Centre.  When I clicked on the tiny 'DropBox' icon on the top far right side, all icons on the screen disappeared.  The Dropbox box opened up okay.  I opened up one of pictures and it was okay.  But when I clicked on 'close', 'reduce' or 'full screen' icon at the upper corner left side, my PC froze up.  When I held down 'Ctrl' and 'alt' keys and hit 'delete' key, the PC resumed working ok, but icons were still absent from the screen.  So I had to shut it down to re-start it again.  Is these problems because of the incompatibility of my PC to Ubuntu?   English is my 2nd language and I am not good at understanding English and I am still confused at how to reply to comments that come up in forums.  It seems that I am being ignored in my previous comments that I put in the forums or did I misplaced them? 

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