Nautilus Restart Locked up my Computer

jimkvg at jimkvg at
Tue May 12 04:42:21 UTC 2015

Sorry I didn't catch your question.  I installed DropBox straight from Ubuntu Software Centre.

On 7 May 2015 at 16:55,  <jimkvg at> wrote:

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Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 08:15:37 +0100
From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
         <ubuntu-users at>
Subject: Re: Nautilus Restart Locked up my Computer

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On 4 May 2015 at 05:22,  <jimkvg at> wrote:

I installed Dropbox and then it required Nautilus "to be restarted to
function properly."  When I clicked on "Nautilus Restart", my computer
locked up.  Keyboard won't work and mouse arrow won't move around.  I
resorted to pushing the power button to shut the computer down.   It
happened in the previous version of Ubuntu 14.10 and then again in 15.04.
Is there a way to fix this problem?  Your tips or help'll be greatly
appreciated.  Thank you.
Having restarted is it now ok?  If not what problem do you now see?

 Thank you Colin!  I restarted my computer ok, but weird is this ... when I
clicked on a tiny icon symbolizing "DropBox" on the top bar to far right
side, all icons on the screen disappeared!  Everything else is ok.  The side
bar came out ok when I moved the mouse arrow close to it.  When I clicked on
one of pictures in my DropBox, the mouse arrow went frozen in its place.
When I held ctrl and alt keys down and hit delete, my computer restarted ok.
I see some bugs there in DropBox system that got me helpless not knowing
what else to do to fix the problem.  I believe that some updates that my OS
just received had improved its performance.  Do I have to get in contact
with DropBox to inform them of the problem?  Or  Is it the OS's
 How did you install dropbox?

Please reply by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject
line.  You apparently replied to the digest when you started this
thread rather than starting a new one.


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