Updates "hang" waiting for input

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Tue Mar 17 21:37:45 UTC 2015

Twice now the automatic updates process has apparently frozen. Looking
at the "details" panel in the updater, I see that the changelog is being
displayed, and is waiting for input!

The first time I aborted the update, and did it manually from the
command line. The changelog was displayed again, I pressed "q" to exit
from it and the updates proceeded. The second time I just clicked in the
details panel and pressed "q" to quit the changelog display.

Anyone else seeing this? It's new to me...

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4
Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

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