Systemd on vivid beta

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sat Mar 14 12:53:52 UTC 2015

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 6:02 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On 12 March 2015 at 13:30, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>> The umount command takes anything up to 2 minutes to complete.
>>> If I use systemctl stop to stop the service it runs straight through
>>> without delay. I wonder whether some networking service has also been
>>> stopped too soon and umount is timing out waiting for a response.
>> I agree with the "network's gone down before the unmount" theory. I'm
>> pretty sure that I've hit this problem with an nfs mount.
>> If you're using NM, there's just been an update to adjust the
>> dependencies of NetworkManager-wait-online.service and enable it that
>> might resolve your problem.
> Thanks for the suggestion, I am using NM, but enabling that service
> did not appear to make any difference. Looking at the information I
> could find on that it seemed that the effect is the same as including
> and in the
> service file, and they are there already.
> However I think maybe the problem is more fundamental than I thought.
> I find that if I just manually mount a cifs share ( sudo mount -t cifs
> ...) and shutdown that I get the same delay on shutdown, whereas if I
> do the same in an upstart boot then there is no delay. That seems
> like a reportable bug to me, so I have reported it.

It's definitely a reportable bug.

I hadn't looked at the changelog closely enough. It looks like it was
focused on startup. :(

I haven't seen this problem reported on Fedora so I'm wonder whether
Ubuntu's changing the upstream NM unit's dependencies.

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