Motherboard recommendations for running Ubuntu?

Petter Adsen petter at
Wed Jul 15 11:24:41 UTC 2015

On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 07:09:19 -0700
"Kevin O'Gorman" <kogorman at> wrote:

> I just installed an ASUS Z97 Deluxe.  It has everything you mentioned.

Thank you for your reply, it was very informative. Unfortunately, the
place I buy from haven't got the Z97 Deluxe, but they do have the Z97
Pro which seems quite similar, so I'm currently looking at that.

However, I am considering maybe going for a socket 2011-3 based system
instead, but I am a little worried since I've heard reports of stability
and firmware problems. Has anyone got any experience with these?

> There were some oddities:
> 1. The existing 14.04.2 installation could not see all three monitors, but
> could use any two of the three.  They had been on an nVidia add-in card,
> and are now on the Intel GPU in my i7 CPU.  Oddly, a fresh install works
> normally.

Well, that _is_ odd, but if a fresh install works I'm not too worried.
I'll also be using 15.04, maybe that helps.

> 2. Sound is not working at all.  It works fine on the live disk, and
> presumably I can track down where the problem is introduced, but I haven't
> gotten that far yet.

Again, maybe 15.04 will make a difference, if not then I guess I can
buy some sort of USB sound thingy.

> 3. There is an extra set of SATA express connectors that are non-functional
> by design.  Don't make the mistake of trying to use them.  I spent hours
> trying to figure out what was wrong with my DVD drive, when it was
> connected to a useless socket.

Do you mean that there are two SATA Express connectors that work and
two that are disabled, or just two that doesn't work at all? It sounds
like the former, I just want to be sure.

Thanks again,


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
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