MySQL InnoDB error in dictionary

Tony Baechler bats at
Wed Jul 8 12:36:01 UTC 2015


I'm having a problem and am hoping I didn't really screw up my databases.  I
was setting up a package which requires the following change in my

innodb-max-log-file-size = 256 M

After I made the change, I tried to restart mysqld as follows:

service mysql restart

It took forever and wouldn't start, even after suspending it and moving it to
the background.  It said it was starting but sat there and did nothing.  I
finally had the idea to check the error log which said the old log file size
was 5 M while the new size is 256 M.  Not knowing what else to do and since it
wouldn't start anyway, I made sure it was completely stopped:

pkill mysqld

and deleted the /var/lib/mysql/ib* files.  I checked the sizes before
deleting them and the log files were 5 MB which is apparently the default.  I
installed the package without further problems and everything seemed fine.

Now, I'm having trouble and I hope I didn't do permanent damage.  I did read
the link below and I think section 14.20.3 deals with my problem, but I'm
afraid to do anything because I don't want to lose any data.  What should I do?
 Is it safe to delete the .frm files?  I am a novice with MySQL.  I don't mind
 using the shell and entering commands, but I don't know what to do.  The
 manual made no sense to me and left me confused.  It looks like I should
 delete the .frm files, but I'm afraid the data will then be permanently lost.
 Then again, maybe it's lost anyway.  Please help.  Here is the output from the
 error log:

150708  5:32:10 [ERROR] Cannot find or open table imscp/ftp_users from
the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the .frm file for the
table exists. Maybe you have deleted and recreated InnoDB data
files but have forgotten to delete the corresponding .frm files
of InnoDB tables, or you have moved .frm files to another database?
or, the table contains indexes that this version of the engine
doesn't support.
how you can resolve the problem.

Thanks very much for any help.  Again, what's weird is the imscp database
seems corrupted but the other new database seems fine.  The manual says to make
a backup, but I'm not sure what to backup since apparently the .frm files by
themselves are useless.

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