Gedit - disabling "untitled document 1"

rikona rikona at
Sat Jan 31 20:02:02 UTC 2015

Hello NoOp,

Friday, January 30, 2015, 8:50:05 PM, NoOp wrote:

> On 01/28/2015 09:50 PM, rikona wrote:
>> I've gotten quite irritated with Gedit - every edit generates a tab
>> with "untitled document 1" that has to be dealt with on closing.
>> How can I keep gedit from ever coming up with "untitled document 1"
>> unless I tell it to. Net searching did not offer clues, but maybe I
>> asked the wrong thing... 
> ...

> See:
> <>
> and
> <>

Those were quite interesting. Mostly it talks about running gedit as
root, which I'm not trying to do. It does mention the problem of
trying to run it from Konqueror, and talks about that as essentially a
different issue. That's when I see the problem, as do many others. 

An interesting and informative comment was mentioned, essentially
saying that all Gnome graphical programs should not be run as root and
expected to perform properly. The developers do not consider that to
be a bug and have no intention of changing that even in the future.
Something for everyone to keep in mind. 

In the discussions, the workaround for several people was to use a
different editor. The geany program looks quite good to me as an
alternate but was not mentioned in the discussions. I guess that will
be my workaround, unless someone can suggest a way to get it to
operate properly when called from Konqueror - I'd still like to be
able to do that. 

Thanks much for the info.



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