Only mem test showing on GRUB 1.98

Gary J. Kirkpatrick garyartista at
Mon Jan 19 17:28:42 UTC 2015

I installed Ubuntu 10 on a number of computers in Panama when I was a Peace
Corps volunteer.  One of them contacted me. When grub loads all he has to
choose from is memory test.  Grub version 1.98.

1) Should I just have him go ahead an run the memory test, say over night?

2) He says he ran a program which resulted in this problem.  I do not know
what he did.  I think it is probably just a GRUB issue as he is not the
kind of user that would somehow wipe the system.

I figure to just have him install Xubuntu on a usb and take a look at the
drives to see what is there and then run Boot repair.

Any thoughts?


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