Software Uptater problems

Scott Blair scott.blair at
Thu Jan 15 00:13:08 UTC 2015

On 01/14/2015 05:40 PM, Bob wrote:
> ** Reply to message from Colin Law <clanlaw at> on Wed, 14 Jan 2015
> 21:53:28 +0000
>> On 14 January 2015 at 19:10, Bob <ubuntu-qygzanxc at> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I did not start the updater the system did.  I do not know how long the icon
>>> was on the launch pad.
>> OK, when you said you clicked on the icon I thought you meant to start
>> it.
> I guess it is semantics.  The system places the Software Updater icon on the
> launch pad when there are updates available.  When I clicked on the Software
> Updater icon did I start the program or was it already running?
>>  Were there other applications open on screen already?  Possibly
>> the updater window was behind some other window on screen.   I have
>> seen that a few times with Unity with a number of applications.  If
>> you click to show something and it does not show it is worth
>> minimising all the other apps to see if the window is behind one of
>> them.
> Yes there were other open windows and I did minimize then to see if it was
> behind them.
I had this problem. I would right click on the update icon and select
install. Then after an hour I would take it off the task bar. I knew
that it was installing updates, because I would have to reboot on some
of the updates. I don't remember when it got fixed, just started working
right one day.


Scott Blair

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