
sktsee sktseer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 05:20:22 UTC 2015

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:58:13 -0600, Chris wrote:


> If I wanted to add drm.debug=0x06 to my grub configuration would it go
> into /etc/default/grub or into some file in /etc/grub.d? If the latter
> which file and where if the former where in the file?

It would go into /etc/default/grub. You should put it at the end of the 
line that begins with "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=". Be sure to run "sudo 
update-grub" after you edit the file. Before you do that, though, you may 
want to check out this link, https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2014/11/30/
i915-and-hangcheck-timer-elapsed-error". His solution was to add 
"i915.semaphores=1" to the same line listed above and to disable the 
intel virtualization technology in the bios. Of course, this solution was 
from 2011, but the problem you're experiencing may be a bug regression, 
so it might worth a shot to see his solution works again.


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