not able to add openvpn connection to network manager "VPN Connections"

Ralph ralphpuncher at
Fri Jan 2 16:22:18 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-02 07:48 AM, robert rottermann wrote:
> Hi there
> happy new year to you all!
> I wonder how I could add a openvpn connection using the system setting 
> network manager.
> What I have is a openvpn.conf file and a *.p12 key file.
> creating a vpn connection by hand  by executing
> openvpn XX.conf (where XX is the name of the config) file works fine.
> But when I try to add to connection to network manager executing the 
> following chain:
> system settings->Network->+->VPN->create->OpenVpN->Create.>Type 
> Password with Certificates (TLS) ->User Certificate -> (here I select 
> my p12 file)
> the strangest things start to happen:
> - cpu usage goes trough the ceiling
> - the entry I just added "wanders" slowly from one dropdown list to 
> the other..
> can anybody tell me how to do this right?
> thanks
> robert
I used the following to set mine up. It should work with other servers 
as well. If using Private Tunnel I found that San Jose didn't support 
Linux, but Chicago and New York do.

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