synaptics package maneger

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Jan 2 11:37:35 UTC 2015

Gene Heskett wrote:
> And if someone cannot tell me what to nuke to get rid of the seemingly
> interminal pauses during the boot, waiting on the network, when the
> network files are all configured and made immutable so networkmangler
> cannot screw it up, and which Just Works(TM) once it times out and
> proceeds for the 2nd or 3rd time, wasting 60 seconds each time. 
> Something driving dhcp I suppose.  Whatever, its a right pita.

I remember that I had similar 60 sec boot pauses some time ago. I found 
that I had a stale entry in /etc/network/interfaces for eth2, but at 
that time the network card for eth2 had been removed. So I would suggest 
that you carefully check the interfaces file for mistakes.


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