synaptics package maneger

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Fri Jan 2 00:39:40 UTC 2015

On Thu, 1 Jan 2015 13:07:08 -0500
Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:

> Greetings;  
> On 10.04.4 LTS, synaptics is the cats meow, doing what it should be
> able to do.
> But on the new mint-17.1 LTS Cinnamon, its best described as broken
> as two of its most useful features seem to have disappeared, which
> are:
> 1, the ability to refresh, is there, but the ability to mark all
> upgrades is gone.

Huh? Here I can do it... on any of 12.04, 14.10, or 15.04. No 10.04
anymore, sorry.

> 2, regardless of the dependency listings shown, such as a dependency
> on libboost-python >=1.40, it cannot find it when the installed
> version is 1.55, nor about 20 other packages most of which are
> present in newer versions.

This is rather strange. It Works For Me(TM). I wonder about the version
strings and provenance of these packages. Can you please clarify/expand?

(I actually rely on Synaptics to do most of my package searches, and
eventual updates. Like, for example, looking for debug packages when
looking at a crash.)

> Cheers, Gene Heskett



ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris
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