[OT] router ports & DMZ

Jatin khatri khatri.jatin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 06:44:20 UTC 2015

On Tuesday 17 February 2015 10:26 AM, thufir wrote:
> I have a netgear N-150 router and have tried to open ports on it.
> However, it keeps showing as closed:
> thufir at doge:~$
> thufir at doge:~$ nmap -p 5060
> Starting Nmap 6.46 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-02-16 20:46 PST
> Stats: 0:00:00 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (0 up), 1 undergoing Ping Scan
> Ping Scan Timing: About 100.00% done; ETC: 20:46 (0:00:00 remaining)
> Nmap scan report for
> Host is up (0.00044s latency).
> 5060/tcp closed sip
> Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.07 seconds
> thufir at doge:~$
> With consumer grade routers, in general, and this router, specifically,
> how do you go about opening ports?  Do they even have that capability?  I
> tried disabling the SPI firewall, also.
> I'm waiting to hear back from Netgear, but, since I've had the router for
> a while, I don't expect them to reply usefully.  I have the manual, and
> it says:
> Warning: DMZ servers pose a security risk. A computer designated as the
> default DMZ server loses much of the protection of the firewall, and is
> exposed to exploits from the Internet.
> If compromised, the DMZ server computer can be used to attack other
> computers on your network. Incoming traffic from the Internet is usually
> discarded by the router unless the traffic is a response to one of your
> local computers or a service that you have configured in the Port
> Forwarding/Port Triggering screen. Instead of discarding this traffic,
> you can have it forwarded to one computer on your network. This computer
> is called the default DMZ server.
> http://documentation.netgear.com/wnr1000v2/enu/202-10546-01/index.htm
> p. 64
> I want *all* devices on the network to be DMZ servers -- just disable all
> security!  Because I'm in a double-NAT situation, with this router
> connecting to another router via wifi there's still the firewall/etc for
> the first, outer, router.
> But how do I do that?
> thanks,
> Thufiir
check you what is your live ip given by your ISP, and scan your live ip 
from outside may be following[1] can help

[1] http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/



Jatin Khatri


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