Brother label printer drivers

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Mon Feb 16 10:11:42 UTC 2015

Maybe it has something to do with the "paper size" settings of the PDF?

On Feb 16, 2015 1:04 AM, "Markos Kapes" <mkapes at> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with getting a Brother PTouch label
> printer working with 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? I'm using lpr to print the
> labels, but the size seems not to work, so the labels are twice as big as
> they should be. (I'm using continuous label rolls.) Brother has been very
> not forthcoming in troubleshooting, and have no timetable for recompiling
> the drivers for 64-bit. Everything prints ok, except the length, and no
> errors seem to be thrown. The command I'm using is
>        lpr -P "labelprinter" -o media=Custom.175x120 label.pdf
> Also, if anyone has any experience with using another label printer, I'd
> entertain that....
> Thanks,
> --Markos
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