rplay fails to run
Maurizio Dall'Acqua
mau.h20 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 09:57:09 UTC 2015
On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 22:23:37 +0100
Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 10.02.2015, 21:19 +0100 schrieb Maurizio Dall'Acqua:
> > Since there isn't /dev/dsp in a default Ubuntu system what can
> > replace it? I mean can I create a symlink
> > to /dev/default-ubuntu-audio-device? If so, what is it?
> /dev/dsp is an OSS device, OSS was long replaced by ALSA and backwards
> compatibility was dropped along the way after OSS wasnt in use any
> more for many years ....
> you will not be able to just create a symlink simply because there
> will be no device that functions the same way /dev/dsp does/did ...
> if rplay is still maintained i would assume it has an ALSA mode that
> you can enable via the configuration ...
> there is one other way you could achieve access to a fake /dev/dsp
> which you most likely wont like ... that would be by running rplay on
> top of pulseaudio ... for apps that can not be forward ported to ALSA
> from the old OSS architecture there is the padsp tool that you can
> prefix to any application you want to run ...
> so something like:
> sudo padsp rplay -d
> should actually show you rplay connecting to a dsp device (even if
> there is none) ...
> but indeed the above means you have to have two sound servers
> installed with one running on top of the other (and then both running
> on top of the ALSA layer)
> ciao
> oli
I tried to type the following command as you suggested but here what
sudo padsp rplayd -d
rplayd: running as group audio (29)
rplayd: running as user nobody (65534)
rplayd: adding helper for "\.mp[1-3]$"
rplayd: adding helper for "\.ogg$"
rplayd: creating cache directory `/tmp/.rplay-cache'
No protocol specified
xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
Home directory not accessible: Permission denied
W: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Failed to open configuration file
'/home/md/.config/pulse//daemon.conf': Permission denied
W:[pulseaudio] daemon-conf.c: Failed to open configuration file:
Permission denied
rplayd: received SIGCHLD signal
rplayd: rplay_audio_init: cannot open /dev/dsp
rplayd: audio disabled
It seems that I should change permissions somewhere.
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