GeForce 6100 and Ubuntu 14.04 issues

Bruno Mendoza brunomendoza at
Mon Dec 7 23:10:30 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I tried to install Ubuntu 14.04 in my old desktop pc unsuccessfully.

This desktop pc has a K8NF4G-SATA2 motherboard. This motherboard has a GeForce 6100 northbridge chipset (integrated video device) and I think that this component isn’t fully compatible with Ubuntu.

I could install Ubuntu in the system not without issues. I supposed that blinking screen during installation was by nouveau drivers so, after os installation and using a terminal, I installed nvidia proprietary drivers with “ubuntu-drivers” command.

I can’t see anything. After login I only get a blank screen.

I read it is possible that it was a problem with Unity desktop interface.

Can you help me to solve this problem?


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 Bruno Mendoza Guedes
 brunomendoza at gmail dot com

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