TeamViewer on Linux

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Dec 5 13:37:36 UTC 2015

On 5 December 2015 at 12:29, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
> On Sat, 2015-12-05 at 10:15 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
>> I don't understand what you are saying.  You have to have TeamViewer
>> running on two machines, the client and the server.  So I don't see
>> how you can have it on just one machine that you run from anywhere.
>> If the machine you called the server is also to be the TeamViewer
>> server then even if it ran it would only be able to share the X window
>> that belonged to it, so what is the point?
> I'm puzzled that this is causing such confusion. The solution I am
> seeking for TeamViewer is a completely generic solution to a common
> problem.
> Let's say that I regularly find myself seated, at various times, in
> front of machines A, B, C and D. My work requires me, at those various
> times, to use some software, let's call it Q. The obvious solution is to
> have Q installed on each of A, B, C and D.
> An alternative, however, is to have Q installed on another system, E,
> log into E remotely from A, B, C or D as needed, and on E, run Q. The
> results of running Q are displayed on my local screen.
> Thus I have the software Q available to me wherever I am, without
> needing to actually have Q installed wherever I am.
> Now substitute "TeamViewer" for "Q". I hope it is obvious that in this
> particular case I am not planning to access E using TeamViewer - my hope
> is that I can use ssh with X11 forwarding. However, accessing E via
> TeamViewer would be a perfectly acceptable plan for any situation where
> Q != TeamViewer.

I understand the generic problem, please explain exactly what you want
to do with teamviewer though.  I still don't see exactly what you want
to do.  When running teamviewer you have a client and a server, say T
and S, and the user at machine T can see/control the desktop of
machine S.  How do those relate to your A, B, C, D and E?
Remember that when you run an app through ssh -X that the s/w is
running on the server, it is only the GUI that runs on the client.


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