Btrfs on top of LVM?
J.Witvliet at
J.Witvliet at
Sun Aug 23 14:12:20 UTC 2015
Be sure to have enough mem
I found that for every btrfs-mount, i got some extra processes
Currently i have over 60 btrfs-mounts, all on their own LVM
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
> Op 22 aug. 2015 om 18:52 heeft Petter Adsen <petter at> het volgende geschreven:
> Has anyone here used btrfs on top of LVM? Are there any problems or
> gotchas I should be aware of?
> I want to use a logical volume to receive a btrfs subvolume and
> incremental snapshots to test it out as a possible backup solution for
> a smallish (500GB) filesystem that has a fair amount of changes in a
> day.
> Ideally I would use a separate disk, but right now I need to do this on
> top of an LV if possible. Performance is not an issue. And no, this
> will not be my only backup :)
> Any advice and experiences would be welcome.
> Petter
> --
> "I'm ionized"
> "Are you sure?"
> "I'm positive."
> <OpenPGP digital signature.attachctrl>
> <ATT00001.txt.attachctrl>
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