Nemo Hangs While Accessing a Specific Folder

Jonesy SPAM_TRAP_gmane at
Fri Aug 21 11:52:25 UTC 2015

On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 11:56:24 +0300, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> A friend of mine is running Ubuntu 14.04 on her laptop and installed Nemo
> as the default file manager.
> After a few times the laptop shut down due to overheating, she can't access
> her Downloads folderin Nemo. Every time she tries, Nemo hangs forever (goes
> dark) until killed.

Move all the files out of Downloads/ and move them back one at 
a time (or several at a time) until you catch the offending file.

  Marvin L Jones    | Marvin      |  | linux
   38.238N 104.547W |  @ | Jonesy     |  FreeBSD
    * Killfiling google &

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