Help! Ubuntu 15.04 Desktop is Incompatible with VirtualBox Graphics Adapter!

Teo En Ming teo.en.ming at
Tue Aug 11 08:01:08 UTC 2015

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On 10 August 2015 at 14:50, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:09 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>> On 10 August 2015 at 13:58, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>>>> On 10 August 2015 at 12:57, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I have managed to upgrade Ubuntu 15.04 virtual machine to Ubuntu 15.10
>>>>>> wily werewolf. However, after logging in, I still cannot see the task
>>>>>> bar on the left and the top bar. All I can see is a piece of blank
>>>>>> desktop wallpaper without any icons. The only thing I can do is right
>>>>>> click and select Start Terminal.
>>>>> What happens if, in the terminal, you run
>>>>> unity &
>>>>> Colin
>>>> Dear Colin,
>>>> Nothing happens except for a series of compiz (core) output messages
>>>> in the terminal.
>>> I wonder if there might be something useful in the messages.
>>> Colin
>> Dear Colin,
>> The unity output messages in the terminal are:
>> teo-en-ming at ubuntu1404:~$ unity &
>> [1] 3702
>> teo-en-ming at ubuntu1404:~$ WARNING: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0
>> stop: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist
>> start: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist
>> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core
>> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core
>> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: ccp
>> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: ccp
>> compizconfig - Info: Backend     : gsettings
>> compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
>> compizconfig - Info: Profile     : unity
>> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: composite
>> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: composite
>> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: opengl
>> compiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware.
> Well that is why unity is not running. The graphics driver available
> does not have the 3D stuff necessary to run Unity.  If you want to run
> Unity you will need to sort that out.  I don't know about VirtualBox
> so don't know about that (I see references to making sure you have
> installed the Guest Additions, I presume you have done that).
> In the meantime you could use the Lubuntu or Mate interface.  You
> would need to install Ubuntu Mate to get Mate, or you could install
> lubuntu-desktop on the system you have (from the terminal obviously),
> then a reboot should allow you to select a lubuntu session from the
> login screen.
> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
> Colin

Thank you Colin!

I have installed lubuntu-desktop. Now I have a functioning and working
desktop environment.

Yours sincerely,

Subtle Denial of Medical Treatment by the Singapore Government for Mr.
Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)

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