Help! Ubuntu 15.04 Desktop is Incompatible with VirtualBox Graphics Adapter!

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Aug 10 14:20:27 UTC 2015

On 10 August 2015 at 14:50, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:09 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 10 August 2015 at 13:58, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>>> On 10 August 2015 at 12:57, Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming at> wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>> I have managed to upgrade Ubuntu 15.04 virtual machine to Ubuntu 15.10
>>>>> wily werewolf. However, after logging in, I still cannot see the task
>>>>> bar on the left and the top bar. All I can see is a piece of blank
>>>>> desktop wallpaper without any icons. The only thing I can do is right
>>>>> click and select Start Terminal.
>>>> What happens if, in the terminal, you run
>>>> unity &
>>>> Colin
>>> Dear Colin,
>>> Nothing happens except for a series of compiz (core) output messages
>>> in the terminal.
>> I wonder if there might be something useful in the messages.
>> Colin
> Dear Colin,
> The unity output messages in the terminal are:
> teo-en-ming at ubuntu1404:~$ unity &
> [1] 3702
> teo-en-ming at ubuntu1404:~$ WARNING: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0
> stop: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist
> start: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist
> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core
> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core
> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: ccp
> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: ccp
> compizconfig - Info: Backend     : gsettings
> compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
> compizconfig - Info: Profile     : unity
> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: composite
> compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: composite
> compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: opengl
> compiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware.

Well that is why unity is not running. The graphics driver available
does not have the 3D stuff necessary to run Unity.  If you want to run
Unity you will need to sort that out.  I don't know about VirtualBox
so don't know about that (I see references to making sure you have
installed the Guest Additions, I presume you have done that).

In the meantime you could use the Lubuntu or Mate interface.  You
would need to install Ubuntu Mate to get Mate, or you could install
lubuntu-desktop on the system you have (from the terminal obviously),
then a reboot should allow you to select a lubuntu session from the
login screen.

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop


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