The theory of upgrading from 14.04 to 15.04 using /etc/apt/sources.list

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Mon Aug 10 01:36:45 UTC 2015

On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 18:11:08 -0500
Simon Quigley <sqawesome99 at> wrote:

> Has anyone ever tried upgrading right to 15.04 by just editing
> /etc/apt/sources.list and replacing where it says trusty with vivid,
> then doing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?
> Does it work? If it doesn't work, why?
> Have a nice day,
> Simon Quigley
> Lubuntu QA Member

It *may* work. It will probably work. It will, also, perhaps fail in
some points, but without telling you so.

The upgrade process takes care of a lot of things (see the source for
details). When you just switch repositories, all this care is thrown
out of the window. Most of the times it will still work. Except for some
details, like adjusting user preferences, paths, etc.

At least this is my experience, when I played with screwing up upgrades
(I was QA). YMMV.



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